JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby JuV on 05 Mar 2021, 20:11

Just received the French DVD. I haven't watched the film yet but did check the subtitles on the English audio track, and alto they're forced they're thankfully not burned into the video so if you play it on a PC you can just disable them (or use some other tricks to turn them off like having a player that can adjust the subtitles or a player that bypasses the prohibition) The picture quality is what you'd expect for a 20year old DVD so as long as this doesn't get a new release it's probably the cheapest copy to own in its correct aspect ratio with an English audio track.
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby Jox on 08 Nov 2021, 11:45

You can always count on Tom to spread some Dolph-in Lundgren through Flickering Myth ;)
https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2021/11/ ... selection/
Hickox would revisit noir infused thrillers a few more times over the years, not least with an underrated Lundgren vehicle Jill The Ripper which might have found more love for its quirks and grimy S&M elements in a post 50 Shades landscape. Payback, like many of Hickox’s overlooked non-horror work, really deserves a nice Blu-Ray treatment.
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby alex.sp89 on 03 Jul 2023, 10:00

When i watched it for the first time (around 2000-2001) i felf it was the first very different movie in DL filmography. Sado, mazo and stuff I even do not know how he agreed to star in this project. His new life in Spain and freedom of love in latino comunities made his decision. After all movie was OK just needed some more action in parts. I wait to watch it in HD maybe i can refresh my feelings about (the last time being 2004-2005)
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby Leigh2704 on 08 Oct 2023, 09:14

Oh, what the HELL. Seems like only yesterday we lost Albert Pyun. Somebody build a protective wall around Florentine and Mulcahy.
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby Jox on 09 Oct 2023, 18:24

If I remember correctly Hickox said he had offered Dolph the role of Frankenstein in WAXWORK II.

He and his brothers and sister plus their mother editor Anne Coates of course, all worked on at least one Lundgren movie in some capacity or another. The only Hickox missing is their dad director Douglas Hickox (THEATRE OF BLOOD, ZULU DAWN), who passed in 1988...
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby savagesketch on 10 Oct 2023, 16:39

Let's not forget that Tony Hickox was able to get DOLPH LUNDGREN tied up (upside down no less!) and lick the boot of a dominatrix on camera! No easy feat!

RIP Mr. Hickox...
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby Jox on 12 Feb 2024, 21:55

Great surprise, Shout is releasing JILL RIPS on Blu at the end of the month! The excellent audio commentary by Anthony Hickox is included 8)

Limited to 1,620 units. The only catch is that from what I understand it's only available from the Shout website and they don't ship outside the US (and Canada?)...

The sad part is I wonder if that's the passing of Hickox prompted them to do this release, whereas the film has been on their streaming site for over one or two years...
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby JuV on 13 Feb 2024, 01:44

Jox wrote:Limited to 1,620 units. The only catch is that from what I understand it's only available from the Shout website and they don't ship outside the US (and Canada?)...

I despise Shout Factory for these annoying limited website exclusive releases... And yes, they only ship within America and Canada. So you'll have to use a shipping forwarder (or know someone who lives in the US) to get it.

It's great seeing this get a Blu-ray release, but extremely sad to see it's like this. But hey, maybe if this sells well they'll release Cover-Up on Blu-ray in the future?
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Re: JILL RIPS / Jill The Ripper (Anthony Hickox, 1999)

Postby Churchman on 13 Feb 2024, 10:13

Yeah this sucks. I can't afford a freight forwarding company etc on top of the release. Hopefully another level will pick up foreign rights and we'll all she able to buy it.
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