BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (Giorgio Serafini/Shawn Sourgose, 2013)

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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (G. Serafini / S. Sourgose, 2013)

Postby Jox on 09 Oct 2013, 18:47

They don't sound to come from serious/professional critics though. I still haven't got a chance to watch my Blu-ray yet. ... ption.html
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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (G. Serafini / S. Sourgose, 2013)

Postby Nathan on 12 Oct 2013, 23:40

Clearly the budget for this was really low; there are really poor fake muzzle flashes and sparks and a whole host of really cheap looking scenes - some of the daytime ones in the street made me question if they had even colour-corrected them. Fake gunfights is almost unforgivable in action movies.

Thankfully overall this movie shit all over Hard Rush and actually proved to be a marginally interesting piece with Dolph giving a decent performance, actually being in more than ten minutes of the movie and being supported by some surprisingly good performances from Vinnie Jones and Robert Davi.

This, buy no stretch of the imagination is a great movie; it's void of any real tension or proper blood-soaked shootouts (a lot of the blood is also CGI) but unlike Hard Rush there is a coherent and reasonably serviceable story with a nice twist and some okay hand-to-hand fights. If this had double the budget and shooting time it could have been solid - but we keep saying these things and it will never happen. The DTV industry has way too many shortcomings.

Maybe after Hard Rush my expectations were mega low but this wasn't totally appalling as I suspected it may be, the promise of a decent crime thriller is partly ruined by low budget; why don't they spare a buck or two for heightened quality and it may result in more sales rather than decreasing revenue. If you serve a turkey, the next time Christmas comes less people will be sitting at your table.
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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (G. Serafini / S. Sourgose, 2013)

Postby Jox on 20 Oct 2013, 16:58

I don't think this one was that bad either, there's some interesting stuff going on here, but the problem which isn't even the low budget, is how rushed it's been shot and put together, otherwise with decent time they still could have polished something decent (not mentioning 70% of the cast and crew had just come out from RUSH to do this so imagine the prep) with more than 17 days of principal photography and barely 3 months of post-production total until delivery to the distributors...
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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (G. Serafini / S. Sourgose, 2013)

Postby harry on 20 Oct 2013, 18:53

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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (G. Serafini / S. Sourgose, 2013)

Postby Dida on 22 Oct 2013, 14:50

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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (Giorgio Serafini / S. Sourgose, 201

Postby Jox on 04 Nov 2013, 10:07

Australian cover

German artwork
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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (Giorgio Serafini / S. Sourgose, 201

Postby GeneralMcFaiL on 05 Nov 2013, 02:43

I really dig big D's look in this... short hair maybe a scruffy beard... I think he should stick with that look from now on... the long hair baby face look they give him in Expendables is kinda outta place for a mercenary... well and for Dolph in general.
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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (Giorgio Serafini / S. Sourgose, 201

Postby viendammage on 05 Nov 2013, 10:46

Jox wrote:Screening at AFM on Saturday, Nov. 9th - 5:00 PM - Fairmont #1 ... p?id=15456 ... IdF=163405

Wait, is this out yet or no? A list came out of pirated movies for sale at AFM and Blood of Redemption is # 10?! People just can't resist Dolph...or Billy Zane, he's a cool guy.
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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (Giorgio Serafini / S. Sourgose, 201

Postby Jox on 05 Nov 2013, 11:04

Yeah it's been out in the U.S. and U.K. already (since the end of September). But before it was officially out it was quite heavily pirated indeed and was on Youtube for a while... Interesting list. I see STASH HOUSE and THE PACKAGE are on there too, surprised BATTLE OF THE DAMNED isn't as it seemed heavily pirated...
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Re: BLOOD OF REDEMPTION (Giorgio Serafini / S. Sourgose, 201

Postby Ringy on 05 Nov 2013, 20:30

Japanese title: Outrage Gang

Theatrical opening date: 2014

Distribution company: Klock worx
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