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Postby Dawn on 27 Feb 2004, 01:04

Title: A pro teaches a pro.
Source: Runner's World, Feb94, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p19, 1/3p, 1c
Author(s): Dugard, Martin; Burfoot, Amby
Abstract: Reveals that during the recently completed motion picture `Pentathlon,' American mile great Steve Scott was hired as a technical adviser and worked out a daily running program for film star Dolph Lundgren. Dolph's disadvantage; Scott's bit part in the film.

Found this info on a search, kind of interesting. I will see sometime if the library here has it, I'm just too tired from this flu right now and after working on my paper for several days straight, I don't want to see a library for a long time!
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A strange coverage

Postby shooby on 29 Mar 2004, 10:54

I've found a web page about dolph which taken about the famous newspaper hello!. In this page there is also pics, but the pics are not there. That's strange

That's here : ... /30/dolph/
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Cosmetic ad from Playboy

Postby Dawn on 22 May 2004, 16:51

found a reference to Dolph modeling face mask in Playboy:

"Altogether there are now some 25 male cosmetic lines to choose from. When Playboy magazine offered its first feature on men's skin care products in 1986, it was no sissy matter: the model shown using the face masks and moisturizers was the macho actor Dolph Lundgren, straight from his tough guy role as Ivan Drago, Rocky Balboa's Soviet nemesis."

from the book: The Age Wave : How The Most Important Trend Of Our Time Can Change Your Future
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1987 Time article

Postby Dawn on 16 Jul 2004, 19:28

Time, April 27, 1987 v129 p92(1)


(Dolph Lundgren, etc.)
Guy D. Garcia

Full Text: COPYRIGHT Time Inc. 1987
''Everybody wants to be a superhero,'' laughs Dolph Lund gren, who, unlike everybody, actually looks like one. Last seen -- and reviled -- as Ivan Drago, the Soviet juggernaut in Rocky IV, the Swedish-born Lundgren has defected to the good-guy side for the role of He-Man in Masters of the Universe, which is scheduled for release this summer. Based on the enormously popular line of Mattel toys, Masters is described by its star as an ''old- fashioned adventure movie with a clean-cut hero.'' He- Man's physique, however, is strictly state-of-the-art, thanks to four grueling months of weight training on a low-fat, high-protein diet. After all, says the 6-ft. 6-in. Lundgren, ''He-Man is the most powerful man in the universe.'' Yeah, sure, but can he beat Rocky? ''He-Man's a big guy, and he's got a couple of particle-beam weapons,'' Lundgren muses. ''Rocky might have a hard time with him.'' Wait a second, you mean that in Rocky V . . .
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Postby Jox on 16 Jul 2004, 21:59

I think this is the photo that goes with this article
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Dolph on the cover of The New Republic

Postby Travis on 20 Jun 2005, 23:38

There is a small cartoon drawing of Dolph on the current issue of The New Republic. The cartoon mentions Red Scorpion.
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Postby Terminator on 21 Jun 2005, 20:23

This seems to be a good remake. Do you have any sources presenting him?
In hope for someone who could replace the real Dolph one day if he's (hopefully not as soon) out of business...
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Dolph on the cover on swedish magazine.

Postby preacher on 09 Aug 2005, 22:32

Just bought me a copy of swedish KING MAGAZINE. It´s a style-magazine for men. Why did I buy, because Dolph is on the cover and there is a 6 page article on the man in it.
Because of it´s lenght i dont think I will translate it and put it on the forum.
Dolph talks about how wound up in the bussiness and about career and life.
Nothing really new.

He says he would like to continue directing and that the dream now is to direct a drama. He says that it is hard for an actor to cross over genres, but maybe he can as a director.
He says he have considered moving to L.A, go to the right parties and try to land a small part in a major movie... but he lacks the ambition. he is happy with his life and his career.

He also quotes a lot of people in the interview; James Stewart, Clint Eastwood, David Mamet..

The best thing about it really are the amazing new pictures, taken for the article... He still got it so to speak.
Especially one picture of Dolph wearing only jeans doing a high kick is awesome.

you can checkout the cover here:
(Be sure to click the link "PÅ SVENSKA", the english section is not very updated)

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Postby Jox on 10 Aug 2005, 08:28

apparently the mag has an english version, so maybe they'll translate the interview and publish it an upcoming issue of the english version?
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Postby Travis on 12 Aug 2005, 02:28

its not up anymore. can you scan the pics and post them? i would love to see the pics.
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Postby preacher on 12 Aug 2005, 11:53

I acctually don´t own a scanner... but I´l try...
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Postby werfer on 22 Aug 2005, 15:46

@ Preacher:

Don't forget the scans, please!
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Postby shooby on 13 Sep 2005, 18:48

werfer wrote:@ Preacher:

Don't forget the scans, please!

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King magazine

Postby Travis on 16 Jun 2006, 17:22

The cover looks great. Is there anyway we can see the other pics or article?
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Postby Angelique on 16 Jun 2006, 21:02

do you have a pic from the magazine? is it an international magazine?
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